Friday, December 30, 2011

update from Nashville!

I thought I needed to give everyone an update.  I will share our Christmas and post pictures as soon as we get back from Nashville.
Maddie and I flew to Nashville last Monday.  Maddie showed off her skills while we drove home from the airport.  She said Poppa!  We worked on it during the flight!  I knew she could do it because she says Pap (short for Papaw- my grandfather). 
Maddie was great on the plane.  She has flown before but not being this active so I was a little nervous.  It was a   full flight and not much room for anyone.  I have to confess that after going through security I did call Chris in tears (tears of stress) and declare that I wasn't ever doing this again by myself!  Don't get me wrong it had nothing to do with her but traveling with a little one and all that the airline requires of you plus keeping up with an 18 mo old and all of your stuff is just too much!  
We are having a great time and had a wonderful Christmas with my Dad and Lisa.  (Maddie's fourth christmas this season!)  
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and has a great New Year!  I will be sharing our Christmas memories from this year soon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Number 2

Everyone told me this was going to happen it was just a matter of time.  Well we went 16 months without Madelyn pooping in the tub so I think we did pretty well!  Yep it happened!  It just so happen to be the night we were having a slumber party with Claire.  Yep you guessed it...Claire and Madelyn were in the tub together!  I was in the kitchen when Claire started screaming, "She is pooping!!!"  I ran in there and poor Claire was sitting in brown bath water!  She was such a good sport about it.  After everyone got clean and the bath toys and tub got disinfected we laughed about it.  It will be a great story some day for Claire to tell Madelyn.  Making memories is sure fun!
Other than the poop filled bath our slumber party was a great night.  We did christmas crafts, played, ate pizza, and did a little shopping!  We sure love our girl time!