Monday, August 23, 2010

Learning lessons

Last Tuesday was my first day back to work after having Maddie. First of all let me start by saying that I do realize how lucky I am to have such a flexible job and that I only work 3 days a week. I am also very lucky that I do not have to put my darling in daycare. She stays with my mom, Michelle, and mamaw while I am at work.
Even though I have the best care a mother could ask for this day was extremely hard for me. I no idea this would be so very hard. I learned a lot this week and grew a lot as a person.
I dropped Maddie off Tuesday morning at Michelle’s house. I knew she was in the best hands but leaving her was hard. I have left her for short periods of time before but not like this. I did good till I had to drive away. I had to keep reassuring myself that she would remember me and know that I was her mother when I returned. I was so worried that I was going to miss so many milestones that I forgot to be grateful for what I had. The day went great and she did amazing! I didn’t miss her first crawl or walk and the world didn’t end.

What I learned…

I learned that everyone wishes something about their situation was different. (stay at home moms need an outlet, and working moms feel guilty)

I learned that wasting time worrying about what I missed that day took time away from being the best mom I can be to her.

I learned that I may miss certain things but to cherish each and every moment I have with her and be thankful for the milestones I can witness.

I learned that her spending time with my loving amazing family will expand her heart and make her an amazing woman that many will love.

I learned that things could always be worse!

I learned that sometimes we have to take a moment and remind ourselves how great God as been to us and to stay confident in the person he created!


  1. Wow! I wish I could've learned all those lessons early like you did! You are a wise woman! God is so good to teach us those things, but it's always tough to learn the lessons He has for us! So proud of you!

  2. One other thing I thought of... those of us keeping Maddie are RECEIVING a blessing too! Plus, it sure is nice to get to see you more frequently, too :-)
