Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Parenting

I have been sick for about 4 days now so I thought I might blog to keep me from going stir crazy!
Someone asked me the other day what was the hardest part of parenting.  I have been thinking about this since day one and my answer stays the same.
No it is not lack of sleep (although that is up there).  I believe it is knowing that EVERY decision we make as parents affect the future of our children.  From birth to death we make them who they are.  I personally look as some of the things I have done and think, "Well she will have something to talk about in therapy when she grows up!"  All we can do is trust in the lord and raise our kids the way He wants us to.  Although some personality types like mine obsese over everything from what she eats, toxic enviroment and energy to raising her God's way.
So that my friends is my answer...The hardest part of parenting is wondering if you are screwing up your kids!
Happy Parenting from me to you!

Friday, January 13, 2012

M&M's Closet

Hello Everyone!  I have posted an album on facebook with some of Maddie's smocked and speciality clothing that is for sale.  Most items have been worn once or twice, some just for pictures, and some never at all!  If you are interested and do not have facebook I will be more than happy to email you pictures and descriptions of the clothing.  Tell all your friends and family!  After 18 months of hanging on to all of her "special" items in hopes that I will have another girl that is born in the same season as M&M is just unrealist with our lack of closet space so we are making room! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Words Words Oh My!

Over the last two weeks or so Maddie has just had words falling out of her mouth!  Chris and I look at each other in shock and we ask each other if we both heard that!  Tonight she said Thank you, cheese, bath, school...all of these are new.  The past few weeks she has said Mimi, Poppa, shoe, sock, sis (for Sister..Prissy), cup, and of course dada and moma!  We have used baby sign to comunicate up till this point but now she does the sign and says the word!  Chris has always said that once she finally starts talking she will not be quite!  It is so much fun but so scary at the same time!  Are we ready for this?  It also makes me sad :(  She is growing up too fast!  She can brush her own teeth (not as good as we do so we try to do it for her)  and starting to talk!  Oh My!!  Although I am sad she is growing up so fast, this age is my favorite!!!  She is so much fun and loving!