Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bye Bye Mullet!

It is not a secret that my child has been challenged in the hair department.  It has gotten fuller over time and longer but we still need some to come in on the temples.  So yes I admit she has a mullet! 
Well back in January I took her to get a little trim, nothing much but just to shape it up a bit.  We didn't take enough off the length to even pick up off the floor but it was still a big mile stone for me!  I thought I would share the pictures of her special day at the salon!

We went that day and got her a big girl brush not the soft baby kind and hair rubber bands.  She loves for me to do her hair every morning and she has started asking for her bow!  She is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Smooth Moves!

Claire told me yesterday that I had not bloged in a long time so she had no idea what was going on in our lives!  So this is for Claire!
On January 23 rd M&M made the move to a new school.  Not to go into details but Chris and I decided that her current school was no longer the best fit for us.  Chris and I prayed about this and decided it was the best for her.  As a mom I worried about her having to adjust to new place, people, etc.  As a walked into her room to wake her up that morning I was praying for a smooth day and transition for my baby girl. 
We arrived to school and she was so excited when we got there that she jumped out of my arms and was running to her room while I was still checking in.  Chris had taken her by there and let her play with her new classmates and get familar to her new surrounding the Friday before.  Well she remembered exactly where to go because she was several steps ahead of me!  Needless to say the day was WONDERFUL!  She didn't even cry when I left!  I left thanking God with a huge smile on my face!
Now a few weeks later she is still loving it and so our we!  We love the teachers, kids and everything about it!  God is good and I know when we trust in him all things do work out!