September 16th was Maddie’s 2 month wellness check. Chris and I both went to the Dr and were so surprised to see the scale top off at 11 lbs and 13 oz. Yep our baby girl doesn’t have any trouble eating!! She is 23 inches long and starting to get rolls and creases on her cute little legs and arms. Over the last week she has started teething! Yep already! She is drooling buckets of drool and at times a little cranky. It is not uncommon for teething to come with a cranky child, fever and drool. She is trying to put anything and everything in her mouth. She can hold her rattle, teething toys and her new favorite toy, her giraffe. She goes everywhere with her giraffe and loves talking to it. Here are some of her milestones.
She holds her toys.
More talking and cooing.
Sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night! (Praise God)
Sitting up in her Bumbo.
Trying to sit up on her own.
Turning her head to follow people and objects.
Yes Our baby is growing up so fast.
In our lives…
We have been very busy. I had my first MOPS meeting last week and fell in love with it and all the moms. Chris made senior lineman at work! Congratulations Boogie!!! This normally takes about five years and Chris did it in less than three!
This weekend I am decorating the house for Fall! Stay tuned!!!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago