Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maddie is 4 months

Today was Maddie's 4 month wellness check.  I can't believe it has already been 4 months.  Everything went great!  My Mom went with me because Chris couldn't make this one.  She weighed in at 14.1 putting her in the 58th percentile for weight.  She measured 25 1/4 putting her in 93rd percentile in height.  She had a huge growth spurt!  At her 2 month visit she weighed 11 lbs and her length was 23.  Her head was 16 and 1/4 at 2 months and is 17 now putting her sweet little (or not so little) head in the 93rd percentile! 
Wow they grow so fast!  I have already had to pack away some of her newborn clothes :(
The Dr. said her development was GREAT she is even ahead of schedule on a few things! 
All in All we had a great report!

Maddie before her appt.  We woke up to a chilly morning in East Texas!

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