Monday, November 29, 2010

Yummy to My Tummy!!!

Well we made the decision to start Madelyn on cereal!  I stressed over this for some time and felt like the time was right.  For those of you asking why the stress?  Well if you are not a parent of a little one you might not realize the big debate out there on when to start solids.  I made the choice based on the fact that she is eating more and more formula and sometimes still not satisfied and she shows interest in our food.
So the camera and the video camera were standing by...
We tasted...
We made a horrible face...
and then wanted to lick our fingers!!
The Goods

All Ready

The face!!!!

The fingers!

The second time for solids was the next day.  She made it clear she HATED it!!!!  I tasted it and I didn't think it was that bad but what do I know!

So the journey on solids continue!  Stay tuned..

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