Well it is a new year! It is a time for self evaluation and a time for changes to be made. As I sat down to think about my resolutions I couldn’t help but think that it is crazy that we need a new year to make changes in our lives but if that is what it takes than so be it. I also started thinking about this past year and the changes that have already taken place in my life. This year has been the BIGGEST year for change. Hello…I had a baby!! That really shakes things up!
It has been six months to the day since Maddie was born and I think I am starting to get the hang of things. Now that I feel like I am getting the hang of things I feel like I can sit down and make new goals and resolutions for myself. I decided to share my resolutions with all of you as a step towards my first resolution…(these are in no particular order)
1. To be more open and honest and not worry about what other think!
2. Lose weight…yep I figure this is on most people list. I have lost all of my Prego weight but now the 30 lbs that I gained before getting pregnant needs to come off. This is an overall resolution to be healthier.
3. To update my blog at least twice a week! I need your help with this. When I get comments or know people are reading this I am motivated to keep writing.
4. To RELAX!
This is some what hard for me. I tend to be up tight! But I think by relaxing it will make me a better mom, wife, friend, and overall person! I don’t think Maddie will hold it against me (if she even knows) that her homemade baby food doesn’t have typed labels or if I forgot to sprinkle the Reindeer food I had made out for her first Christmas. I am going to try and give myself a break.
5. Be present in every moment!
This goes hand in hand with relaxing. I don’t need to be worrying about what I need to be doing around the house when I am playing with Maddie or talking to Chris about his day. That is not fair to them. I need to give full attention to what, who, and where I am at THAT MOMENT!
I hope this may inspire you to make a few resolutions for yourself.
Happy NEW YEAR! I hope everyone has a blessed 2011.
I am very excited about 2011. We have a lot of big things going on this year.
1. Chris turns 30!
2. My grandparents 60th wedding anniversary
3. Our 5th anniversary.
4. A friend of ours has a baby!
5. A few friends/family are getting married
6.Maddie turns 1
2011 Bring it on!!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
I am not making any resolutions this year...lol! But I do love reading your updates on your sweet girl and the Thiem family!! Hope 2011 is very kind to your precious family!