Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eating Adventures

Well I wanted to give everyone an update on eating solids.  After trying and hating rice and oatmel we found a cereal she will eat.  She loves barley.  She must get that from her father!  So she likes the barley and she likes all the fruits and vegtables that we have tried.  I got a baby food maker for christmas and I LOVE it!!!  I love to cook anyways but knowing that I am giving my daughter a healthy start with homemade food made from fresh produce makes me smile!  It is also a lot cheaper which means my money can go to cute bows and clothes instead of jared food!  I am not saying that there is anything wrong with jared food!  Maddie has eaten it and I am sure she will again.  Here are some pictures of our eating adventures.
 I am not sure how the peas got on her nose!
 She LOVES yams!
She looks so tiny in her high chair!

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