We all have those days when we think we should just crawl back in bed and start over. Well last week I had a few of those days. Monday Maddie and I came home from the grocery store and I put her down for a nap and then unloaded the groceries. I then went into the bedroom to change clothes. I took my wedding set off and went to the other hand to take off the ring Chris gave me for Christmas and nothing! The hand was bear! The ring is a little big and I need to get it sized. But as all of you girls know when you get a new ring you don’t want to give it up for a few days to have it sized. Well that being said, It was gone!! My heart sank and then panic set in!!!! I ran through the house searching for the ring. I found it in the trash can in an empty Wal-Mart sack! Yep I quickly composed myself so when Chris got home he would never know!!!!
On Wednesday I was taking Maddie to her Caregivers house (AKA Nanny) and I ran out of gas! First of all, when I take her and drop her off I am not dressed for the day! I am usually in my pj’s and have on the first pair of shoes I can find. On this lovely day I had on pink caprice pj’s, a pink hoodie, and ugg boots. Yep that right! Well there is a lot of traffic on Old Jacksonville at 8:oo am. I was at a red light and could see the gas station from the car. I put my flashers on but cars still came up behind me and honked their horns. A sweet couple finally came and offered to push me out of the way. I didn’t know if that would be possible in my SUV but they did it! As I sat there waiting on Lavonda to bring me gas I could just here Chris saying, “ I told you so! You should never let it get below a fourth of a tank!” I sat and talked to Maddie and begged her to never remember this! I felt like a bad mom and most of all I dreaded telling Chris. I did tell him that night and he didn’t say I told you so but it was written all over his face! I hate when I can tell him he is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Lavonda for saving the day! I have 5 years of free road side assistance that came with my car but I didn’t remember that at the right time.
I hope this week is better than the last!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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