Thursday, January 20, 2011

6 Months/ New Years Day!

New Years Day was Madelyn's 6 month birthday.  Wow time has flown by.  I can't believe 2010 is gone and left me with a 6 month old!  I absolutely LOVE this age!  She is so much fun and interactive right now.  On New Years Day we went over to my grandparents house to watch football and eat greens for wealth and black eyed peas for health.  These are just a few pictures we took of Madelyn that day to remember New Years and her 6 month birthday. 
 Please notice that she has a bow in her hair without a headband!  Yes this is big for us!  Her hair is growing.

I can't believe my little M&M has gotten so tall!  That following monday we had her 6 month wellness check.  Everything was perfect.  She has reached the milestones that are expected for her age.  Her teeth are early but everything else is just right!  She weighed 16.3 LB and was 26.5 inches long.  This puts her in the 53rd percentile for weight and 76th for length.  We also had to turn in her 3rd poop sample for her final check on salmonella.  A few days later we got the call that it was negitive!  It takes 2 negitive samples to say she is clear and yes thats means she is CLEAR!!!!  Praise God!

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