Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day 2011

Well if you live in East Texas you know snow is VERY rare!  So when it snows the town seems to stop.  Well this year we had our first snow of the season which may also be the only snow for the next few years so I had to capture it!  This was Maddie's first snow so I had to bundle her up and let her experience it just a bit!  She had a runny nose that week so we only stayed out about 10 mins, long enough for me to get some pictures.  I waited till it warmed up a bit to take her out so some of the snow had already melted.  She didn't seem to impressed!  She hates her snow suite because she can't sit up in it.  She reminds me of the kid in the movie The Christmas Story when his mom bundles him up so much that he can't put his arms down!  She was a good sport for mommy!
 Snow Day 2011
 She is not a fan!
 She can't move in her suite but she looks cute!
She seemed to like it once prissy came out!  Wow sister you blend in!!

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