Monday, April 12, 2010

What a weekend!

Wow what busy weekend we have had! First of all it was such a treat to have my Dad in Tyler for the whole weekend! We got to spend some great time together! On Saturday we had breakfast with my Dad and spent the day with him. We went to Cade’s first T-Ball game and got to cheer for him! He looks so cute in his uniform! Saturday night we went to Mamaw and Papaw’s house for my mom’s birthday dinner. It is always good to have home cooked food and birthday cakeJ Then on Sunday we ate breakfast with my Dad before he had to head out of town and then we were off to the Dallas area for a couples baby shower for one of my best friends. Yep we are pregnant at the same time and we are both having girls! We got back home about 6:30 Sunday night and we both crashed. It was a very busy weekend but very fun!

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