Thursday, April 8, 2010

Third Trimester!!!!

Well I have made it to my Third Trimester! Yep I am 7 months Prego!!! I went to the Dr. on Monday and got the results of my glucose test. I process sugar just fine. He said that everything looks great! She is growing very nicely. She is breech but he is very positive that she will turn on her own in time. I only gained ½ pound last month but that is most likely because I have started getting sick again. On the positive side it may be because I started Prego water aerobics. Yes me and my belly got in a swim suite! It was so much fun!!!! She loved the water and moved around the whole time I was in the pool! I loved being in the water. I feel weightless!! The Dr. has moved my appointments to every 2 weeks. I feel like I live in his office. We don’t have much time left and the time that we do have is full of baby showers, birthing classes, breastfeeding classes and newborn care class. I did find a pediatrician . I met with him a few weeks ago and we really clicked! That was a big relief since he will be a big part of the birthing process. So everything is going great! Chris and I can’t wait to meet our little angel!

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