Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fishing Trip

Over spring break we went on our anual trout fishing trip.  It was a great relaxing trip.  It was colder than I would have ordered but we had a great time anyway.  We all caught are limit (5 per day) within 45 min each day!  Try telling a 5 and a 9 year old they have to quit fishing after so many!  Cade didn't quite understand this.  We had a fish fry Saturday night and got to enjoy what we caught! 
Chris and I can't wait to take Madelyn!  Next year she will not be old enough to use a Snoopy fishing pole quite yet but I know she'll love it anyway!  These are a few pictures from this year.
Chris out in the river.

Cade in his fishing outfit!

Claire wanted to do it all her self!  She can bait a hook, take the fish off the hook, and even put it on the stringer!

She even kisses the fish!

Cade finding something else to do since he caught his limit! 

Chris with his big catch!  He caught the biggest he has ever caught on his fly rod!  He had a blast.  I didn't get to go out in the river with him.  My waders didn't fit over Maddie!  Plus I usually fall several times on rocks so it was safer for me to stay on the river bank.


  1. Looks like fun! Claire looks SO MUCH like Michelle in those pictures. Adorable!

  2. Those are great pictures! It's always fun to see what shots other people's cameras got. It was a fun trip!
