Thursday, March 4, 2010

Madelyn is on the MOVE!!! First kicks!!

Last Sunday night Chris and I were laying in bed watching the news (I know we act so old) and I started to feel Maddie move.  I have felt movement before but no real kicks so I didn't really think anything when it happened!  I felt little punches!  I grabbed Chris' hand and placed it on my belly and he felt it too!  It didn't last long but it was amazing!  I had been feeling movements for a while but I prayed that when the big bang happened that Chris would be with me so he would feel it too!  It was a night we will always remember and I thank God that it happened so perfectly with us together:)  This happened at week 21 and 1 day. She is about 10 inches long and weighs in at almost a pound.  As she continues to grow I know her little feet and hands will give much stronger punches!  Isn't God amazing!!!!!

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