Last Saturday Michelle, Claire and I went to Canton. For those of you who don’t know what Canton is it is a Trades Day in Canton Texas with many arts and crafts booths and booths from Texas boutiques. Anyways we left Saturday morning and arrived at Canton around 9:30. This was Claire’s first real Canton experience. This was the second time for me to go to Canton since being pregnant with Maddie. The first time I was only 5 weeks along and this time I was 21 weeks. I got Maddie a lot of cute clothes and bows while Claire spent her money on food. We had a great time eating, shopping and having our girl time! When I got home (9 hours later) I was unloading my purchases and realized that this was the first time I have ever been to Canton and didn’t buy my darling Prissy something. Sadness hit me when I realized that she has already taken a back seat to Maddie. Everyone told me this would happen but I never thought it would. To make myself feel better I told myself that on my next Canton trip I would buy Prissy and Maddie matching outfits.
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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