Thursday, October 28, 2010

wow a year ago...

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.  A year ago yesterday I found out I was pregnant.  It seems like yesterday.  It has been a year of many ups and downs!  Chris and I knew that our life were about to change but I don't think either of us knew to what extent or the joy that we were about to experience!  I am very excited for the holidays this year!  Since I was prego last year for holidays I spent most of my time with my head in the potty and didn't get to enjoy the good food!  Don't get me wrong I am not complaining because it was ALL worth it! 
Yep...Maddie was baking away!

Mary Madelyn Thiem we love you and are so very blessed to have you in our lives!

Stay tuned because I will be anouncing exciting news in the next few days!  You will want to be a part of this!!!! (no I am not prego!)

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