Well it is fall and that inspires me to blog again. This is a very busy time of year for us but I am going to make the effort anyway. I am not making any promises about how often I will update but I will try my best to keep yall in the loop of our sweet family of three. It is just that time of year that I find a smile on face and want to share my happiness with everyone! Fall...I LOVE it all.. football, hunting, the colors, leaves, pumpkins, camp fires and the smells!
Growing up my mom always made baked apples the first cool morning of the fall. It didn't matter if it was a school morning or not we woke up to the smell of baked apples. After I got married she even sent them home with Chris so he could surprise me and have them in the oven when I woke up. This morning wasn't the first cool morning of fall (so I was a little late) but my family woke up to the smell of baked apples in our house. Maddie had her first taste and loved it! I used my mom's recipe for the most part with adding a few of my own touches like using the crockpot instead of the oven. I also cooked pumpkin pancakes for my family this morning. Although it was one of the warmest days we have had in a while the Thiems kicked off fall this morning!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
That sounds scrumptious! Pumpkin Pancakes...yummy!