okay still playing catch up! Let me finish with what I am thankful for.
13. My MOPS group! Such an amazing group of ladies.
14. Prissy. My nine and 1/2 year old maltese. She has been the best dog, roomate, and friend a girl could ask for.
15. Shalac nail polish system! Nail polish last for 2 weeks:) need I say more!
16. My Girls! Angela, Sheri, Jodi and Lindsey! We have all been friends for a VERY long time!! We have all gone our separate ways but still try and find time for each other. We have so much fun when we are together. These girls are like my sisters!
17. Forgiveness...I have done many things in need of forgiveness
18. Hair Dryer..yep have you seen this mop with out it?
19. The Health of my Grandparents. They are 79 and 80 and still full of life. For that I am Thankful! They are an active part of Madelyn's life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
20. Skpe and American Airlines...They both make the many miles between my Dad and my little family seem not so far.
21. My Mom instilling in me how important it is to be well rounded. From ballet to football and hunting to shopping...I appreciate it all. I may enjoy some things more than other but have an appreciation for it all and can hold a conversation about football to politics. I hope to pass this on to Madelyn. Thanks Mom!
22. Teething Tablets...we wouldn't have survived without them :)
23. I am thankful that most of my family live close. I have been blessed to watch my nieces, nephews, and cousins grow up!
24. My Aunt Melba. She passed away not long ago but left me with wonderful memories. She taught me the art of listening. She never interupted, always made me feel like I was the most important one in the room and always was there to listen. I hope to master the sweet art of listening like she.
25. Chiropractic! My life and that of my family wouldn't be the same without it! It has taught me what true health is all about!
26. Michelle Chesley. She has been the best aunt I could ask for. She listens, gives great advice, and has always been there for me! Thank you for being the big sister I never had.
27. My mother in law and father in law for having one more child. Chris is number four. Thank you for not stopping at three.
28. Hair color:) As I get older/wiser my hair gets gray...but you will never know :)
29. online shopping ...who has time to go to a mall?
30. last but not least...Unconditional LOVE..
from my husband, daughter, family ...it truly is a blessing!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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