I saw this idea going around facebook and thought it was brilliant! For everyday in November you say something that you are thankful for. I am about 15 days behind but I am catching up NOW!
1. My little M&M (Mary Madelyn Thiem) she is truly an answered prayer!
2. My amazing family! I know some people find it strange that we all LOVE spending time together and that we do spend so much time together but I think it is a blessing!
3. That God gave his one and only son for MY Salvation!
4. I know this falls under family but ...My Husband. He keeps me balanced and makes me feel like his Queen daily. :) He is also the most AMAZING father to M&M.
5. Smart phones...Go ahead and laugh! But my iphone keeps me organized and I have email, music, internet and EVERYTHING at my finger or in my purse!
6. My friend Randi Jones!! We are so different but yet so much a like. Motherhood has boned us into a whole new depth of friendship. We do not live close but we make an effort to text, TALK (yes Talk does anyone do that anymore?), send encourgaging cards, and see each other as much as possible. I call her aleast once a week to laugh, cry, vent or tell her I feel like a rock star! Our friendship is not competitive, judgemental, nor shallow. Thank you Randi for being my friend!! I love you!
7. I am thankful for all of our soliders who have made the sacrifice to be away from there families to fight for our country. GOD BLESS the USA!
8. video baby monitors. Can't image hearing her cry and not being able to see if something is REALLY wronge and sometimes I just like to watch her sleep:)
9. I am thankful that Chris and I both have jobs we love!
10. DVR. I promise I am not all about electronics but I can't remember life without it.
11. Trinity Mother Frances NICU. It wasn't that long ago that Tyler didn't have a NICU. ( just a few years) If it wasn't for the NICU at Trinity Mother Frances on July 1st 2010, then Maddie would have been taken to Dallas or Shreveport when she was born. It was hard enough having her down the hall and not bringing her home when I was released but I CAN NOT image having her so many miles away!
12. Facebook...yep crazy but I feel like it is such a great way to keep up with everyone with such ease.
okay ill continue catching up later...this is much harder than you think! I dare you to try it!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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