Friday, February 25, 2011

A Bloody Mess!

Thursday morning we had our first accident that involved blood. Maddie was playing in the floor and she had her paci in her mouth. You know just a normal morning around the Thiem house. She suddenly started crying…real tears not fake ones. I wasn’t sure what happened. I figured she must of hit herself rolling over or something. I picked her up to console her. For some reason I pulled out her paci and when I did it was like I opened the flood gates! Blood started pouring out of her mouth. It look like a hockey accident! I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from fainting! I don’t do blood. My Mom was already on her way because she was coming to pick Maddie up for the morning. I wiped the blood and found that it was coming from one of her front top teeth. My Mom arrived shortly and we decided it would be best to take her in to the dentist to have it checked out. I wasn’t prepared to take her to a dentist yet. I haven’t researched pediatric dentist and picked one. She knew of one so I called him. They told me to bring her on in. We arrive at the dentist and she did great! He said no permanent damage had been done and that a very slight chance of discoloration may occur in that tooth. I was very relieved! Although this wasn’t how I envisioned her first trip to the dentist. We didn’t take pictures and she wasn’t wearing a cute outfit. In fact she still had on her pjs that had blood on them and NO BOW in her hair! Oh well, this just goes to show that we are not in control! I was just relieved that she didn’t bit the poor man! I also just have to toot my horn! I didn’t cry, panic or pass out from the blood! Yep Yep I think I did well!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Operation: SLEEP!!!!!

Two nights ago I dedcided after much research and advice to try the cry it out method to get Madelyn to sleep through the night.  At about 4 months of age she started sleeping from 9pm to 6:30 am.  Well after sickness and major teething that all came to an end.  (after only lasting about 2 weeks)  She now wakes around 3am for a bottle and then again around 5:45 am.  Getting her sleep for the night has never been the problem.  It is staying asleep that we need major help with.  Well I dedcide on Monday night that we were going to do it!  I was mentally and phyically prepared.  She had her night time diaper on, a full belly and it was showtime!  At 2:00am the whining started.  You know the one...the one where you are thinking she is about to blow!  This lasted for 15 min before full blow crying hit.  I sat in bed watching the video monitor with tears rolling down my face.  I had the volume all the way down (it has lights to tell you how loud the noise is) but I watched her keep looking at the door to her room waiting for someone to come get her.  Chris and Prissy were missing all the fun!  They both laid snoring right beside me!  I had a very strange need to kick him and wake him so he would experince this with me but I let me sleep.  After 20 to 30 min of full blown crying her head just hit the matress and fell asleep.  Those 20 to 30 mins felt like hours!  The next morning I was scared to go in her room...I was afraid that she was going to be mad at me. Yes I know how silly this sounds!  She wasn't, she was all smiles and we sang  "Rise and Shine and give God the Glory, Glory".  (This is our morning song!) 
Night #2 was better.  15 minutes of crying followed by 45 mins of whinning and she was out!  As hard as this is I know it will be worth it when we are not up at 3am every morning feeding! 
So tonight we go for night #3!  Pray for our strength (or I should say my strength since Chris sleeps through the whole event) and that after tonight we are done!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentines Day!

This year for Valentine's Day Chris and I went to Dallas for a little overnight getaway. Yep we left our little M&M at home! We had a nice overnight date in down town Dallas. We ate at the YO Steakhouse. This was right up Chris' alley. Although I think he was a little disapointed we had a good night anyway. On Sunday I had a meeting in Dallas for work and then I returned home to see our little angel! On Valentine's Day itself we stayed in and Chris cooked for his two loves! We gave Madelyn her Valentine and we were all in bed by 10! That is my kind of night!
These are some photos taken by Dawn Rockett in Tyler for a Valentine's Day Shoot!

 she just wanted to look at mommy..not the camera
 This was her first time to taste candy or anything with sugar.  You can tell by the look on her face that she doesn't know what to think!
 She was a good sport.  She wasn't feeling well this week.  She had 3 teeth come in in just a few days :(
This is my FAVORITE! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Madelyn update

I noticed I haven't given an update on our little M&M lately!  She will be 8 months in about a week and a half.  Her favorite things at the moment are playing in floor with her toys and she still loves bouncing in her bouncer!  She is not crawling ( I don't think it will be too long) but she log rolls everywhere she wants to go!  She can cross the living room by rolling!  She is trying to get in to EVERYTHING!  Yep that means we have started to have to use the word NO!  Yes she knows what this means and gets her feelings hurt if you get on to her.  Sad, I know!  Her bottom lip pops out!  She already knows how to work it! 
Baby proofing was on my long to do list this weekend but the Flu got the best of that!  It will have to be done soon because she is discovering the world around her!  She loves her Your Baby Can Read DVDs.  They have really started to capture her attention. 
She ate chicken for the first time this weekend and loved it!  I tasted it and have to admit that it was very good!  I will share the recipe later :)
She has 6 teeth and loves showing them off!  The top two look like they are going to have a nice little cap between them but she doens't care!  We brush them at night and she loves it!  I think it feels good on her gums. 
We seem to get more hair everyday!  This makes for a happy mommy :)  I was starting to worry! 
She can laugh out loud but chooses to scream!  She thinks it is funny to scream and let Chris scream.  They do this back and forth till Chris has a sore throat. 
Peak a boo is her favorite game.  She even pulls the blanket over her face when Prissy walks by!
Prissy....Those of you who know her know that she has been an only child for 8 years and she is not always the nicest!  I admit she can be very rude!  So I was worried at how she was going to handle it when Madelyn wasn't a lump on a log anymore!  Madelyn crabs her tail and pulls her hair but Prissy just looks up at me with sad eyes.  For the most part Prissy just stays away from her.
 Seven month birthday!
 Her first Valentine gift! 
The cutest M & M ever!!!  Thank you Nanny for my onesie from NYC!

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!

Logging in today I noticed how long it has been since my last post.  My oh my I so sorry!  I am writting this blog in my pjs on a Sunday afternoon.  This is my 4th day straight in my pjs and I am starting to go a little crazy.  I have the Flu!!!  And to answer your question no I didn't get the flu shot.  I haven't recieved one in years and this is the first year I have been ill.  I also don't believe in the shot so take that for what it is worth.  Anyways  the last few days have been a rollercoaster.  Chris was sick at first with a head cold and Maddie has RSV.  Chris and Maddie are doing fine.  They both have runny noses but remain happy!  I haven't been this ill in a really long time.  I know no one likes being sick but being a mom and not being able to take care of your child is REALLY HARD!!!!   I hardly have the strength to hold my head up much less hold and take care of Maddie.  Chris took off work Friday to take care of her and has been Mr. Mom all weekend!  I have been mad at myself because I am sick and sad because I miss my angel!  Today I just started crying!  Yep I had my own little pitty party! 
I have talked a lot in past post about guilt well this is one of those times when I am flooded with it!  Why?!  I know it is not my fault I am ill and I am doing the best I can to get well but yet I still feel quilty!  I know Chris is perfectly capable of taking care of her but I miss it!  I love taking care of her and I feel quilty that I can't.  I know this to shall pass but until then pray for a healthy Thiem Family :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Resolution Update!

Since yesterday was Feb 1st I decided to update everyone on my New Years Resolutions. I honestly can’t remember when I have stuck with my resolutions this long. So I guess I am off to a good start.

1. Be open and honest (to not care about what others think)
This is a daily struggle that I ask God for help with every day but I do think I have come a long way. I have recently voiced my option on my blog about friendship and the other day a lady at Sams commented on how Maddie didn’t have shoes on. She had the cute socks on that looked like shoes and it was 70 degrees outside! I normally would have let this bother me so that I would have gone out shoe shopping for her and never left the house again without shoes on her feet but I blew it off!

2. Loss weight
I have started a new lifestyle of eating healthy and natural! I don’t want to say diet it is more of a life style. I started this lifestyle 2 weeks ago and so far I have lost 6.5 lbs. It is pretty simple really…I became as picky about what I put in my mouth as I am what I put in Maddie’s. ( As natural and pure as possible) It is not just about the weight it is about health and I want to set a great example for my daughter. I am embarrassed to say that I have not exercised but I haven’t that is on the to list . I want to find something I love that I can fit into my schedule.

3. To Update the blog twice a week
Well I haven’t gone back and checked but I do know it is more frequent than ever….but you all are still not helping me! I need comments or followers so I know I am writing this for someone!

4.To Relax and be present in every moment
God and I are working on this. Lately I have had many of reasons not to relax. This has been a crazy month but I am working on relying God for peace of mind and letting what I can’t control go. Being present in every moment is something I make a conscience effort to do every day. When I find my mind drifting to all the things that need to be done I have tried to write them down and put it on the schedule for another day and enjoy what is in front of me!

SO one month down and I am feeling like I have a new lifestyle of physical health and mental health that is going to make me a better person for my family. I don’t think I set unrealistic goal and I didn’t want to. I wanted to make a lifestyle change not just a resolution that would last a month or two.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Trial and Error

Last Friday was a very busy day for Maddie and I.  I worked that morning and then had serveral errands to run.  That night was my night to cook dinner for my grandparents.  Since my grandmother's surgery we have all been taking turns cooking dinner.  Maddie and I got home at 4:00 with a car full of grocerys and it was time for Maddie to eat.  I needed to leave the house in an hour to take dinner to my grandparents house because older people eat EARLY!!!  Well I decided to try something new!  I put Maddie in her high chair and made her bottle.  I sat the bottle in front her and walked away.  I figured that she is a smart child she should be able to figure this out!  She seems advanced to me...this should be a breeze!  She just stared at me.  I walked in the kitchen and started to cook.  I looked back at her and she had her mouth wide open trying to bend her head down and get it.  She was not using her hands.  I thought I would give her a few more minutes because she wasn't fussing.  A minute or two later I guess she got frusterated because she knocked the bottle to the floor!  Luckly Daddy came to the rescue.  He got home and feed her. 
Sorry Maddie...Your just so smart I thought you had this!
I think she thought I was just teasing her :(  Poor Baby!!!
Dinner did get delievered and all was well at the Thiem household.  We had a relaxing Friday night in.