I noticed I haven't given an update on our little M&M lately! She will be 8 months in about a week and a half. Her favorite things at the moment are playing in floor with her toys and she still loves bouncing in her bouncer! She is not crawling ( I don't think it will be too long) but she log rolls everywhere she wants to go! She can cross the living room by rolling! She is trying to get in to EVERYTHING! Yep that means we have started to have to use the word NO! Yes she knows what this means and gets her feelings hurt if you get on to her. Sad, I know! Her bottom lip pops out! She already knows how to work it!
Baby proofing was on my long to do list this weekend but the Flu got the best of that! It will have to be done soon because she is discovering the world around her! She loves her Your Baby Can Read DVDs. They have really started to capture her attention.
She ate chicken for the first time this weekend and loved it! I tasted it and have to admit that it was very good! I will share the recipe later :)
She has 6 teeth and loves showing them off! The top two look like they are going to have a nice little cap between them but she doens't care! We brush them at night and she loves it! I think it feels good on her gums.
We seem to get more hair everyday! This makes for a happy mommy :) I was starting to worry!
She can laugh out loud but chooses to scream! She thinks it is funny to scream and let Chris scream. They do this back and forth till Chris has a sore throat.
Peak a boo is her favorite game. She even pulls the blanket over her face when Prissy walks by!
Prissy....Those of you who know her know that she has been an only child for 8 years and she is not always the nicest! I admit she can be very rude! So I was worried at how she was going to handle it when Madelyn wasn't a lump on a log anymore! Madelyn crabs her tail and pulls her hair but Prissy just looks up at me with sad eyes. For the most part Prissy just stays away from her.
Seven month birthday!
Her first Valentine gift!
The cutest M & M ever!!! Thank you Nanny for my onesie from NYC!