Friday, February 25, 2011

A Bloody Mess!

Thursday morning we had our first accident that involved blood. Maddie was playing in the floor and she had her paci in her mouth. You know just a normal morning around the Thiem house. She suddenly started crying…real tears not fake ones. I wasn’t sure what happened. I figured she must of hit herself rolling over or something. I picked her up to console her. For some reason I pulled out her paci and when I did it was like I opened the flood gates! Blood started pouring out of her mouth. It look like a hockey accident! I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from fainting! I don’t do blood. My Mom was already on her way because she was coming to pick Maddie up for the morning. I wiped the blood and found that it was coming from one of her front top teeth. My Mom arrived shortly and we decided it would be best to take her in to the dentist to have it checked out. I wasn’t prepared to take her to a dentist yet. I haven’t researched pediatric dentist and picked one. She knew of one so I called him. They told me to bring her on in. We arrive at the dentist and she did great! He said no permanent damage had been done and that a very slight chance of discoloration may occur in that tooth. I was very relieved! Although this wasn’t how I envisioned her first trip to the dentist. We didn’t take pictures and she wasn’t wearing a cute outfit. In fact she still had on her pjs that had blood on them and NO BOW in her hair! Oh well, this just goes to show that we are not in control! I was just relieved that she didn’t bit the poor man! I also just have to toot my horn! I didn’t cry, panic or pass out from the blood! Yep Yep I think I did well!

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