Last Friday was a very busy day for Maddie and I. I worked that morning and then had serveral errands to run. That night was my night to cook dinner for my grandparents. Since my grandmother's surgery we have all been taking turns cooking dinner. Maddie and I got home at 4:00 with a car full of grocerys and it was time for Maddie to eat. I needed to leave the house in an hour to take dinner to my grandparents house because older people eat EARLY!!! Well I decided to try something new! I put Maddie in her high chair and made her bottle. I sat the bottle in front her and walked away. I figured that she is a smart child she should be able to figure this out! She seems advanced to me...this should be a breeze! She just stared at me. I walked in the kitchen and started to cook. I looked back at her and she had her mouth wide open trying to bend her head down and get it. She was not using her hands. I thought I would give her a few more minutes because she wasn't fussing. A minute or two later I guess she got frusterated because she knocked the bottle to the floor! Luckly Daddy came to the rescue. He got home and feed her.
Sorry Maddie...Your just so smart I thought you had this!
I think she thought I was just teasing her :( Poor Baby!!!
Dinner did get delievered and all was well at the Thiem household. We had a relaxing Friday night in.
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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