Two nights ago I dedcided after much research and advice to try the cry it out method to get Madelyn to sleep through the night. At about 4 months of age she started sleeping from 9pm to 6:30 am. Well after sickness and major teething that all came to an end. (after only lasting about 2 weeks) She now wakes around 3am for a bottle and then again around 5:45 am. Getting her sleep for the night has never been the problem. It is staying asleep that we need major help with. Well I dedcide on Monday night that we were going to do it! I was mentally and phyically prepared. She had her night time diaper on, a full belly and it was showtime! At 2:00am the whining started. You know the one...the one where you are thinking she is about to blow! This lasted for 15 min before full blow crying hit. I sat in bed watching the video monitor with tears rolling down my face. I had the volume all the way down (it has lights to tell you how loud the noise is) but I watched her keep looking at the door to her room waiting for someone to come get her. Chris and Prissy were missing all the fun! They both laid snoring right beside me! I had a very strange need to kick him and wake him so he would experince this with me but I let me sleep. After 20 to 30 min of full blown crying her head just hit the matress and fell asleep. Those 20 to 30 mins felt like hours! The next morning I was scared to go in her room...I was afraid that she was going to be mad at me. Yes I know how silly this sounds! She wasn't, she was all smiles and we sang "Rise and Shine and give God the Glory, Glory". (This is our morning song!)
Night #2 was better. 15 minutes of crying followed by 45 mins of whinning and she was out! As hard as this is I know it will be worth it when we are not up at 3am every morning feeding!
So tonight we go for night #3! Pray for our strength (or I should say my strength since Chris sleeps through the whole event) and that after tonight we are done!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago
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