Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentines Day!

This year for Valentine's Day Chris and I went to Dallas for a little overnight getaway. Yep we left our little M&M at home! We had a nice overnight date in down town Dallas. We ate at the YO Steakhouse. This was right up Chris' alley. Although I think he was a little disapointed we had a good night anyway. On Sunday I had a meeting in Dallas for work and then I returned home to see our little angel! On Valentine's Day itself we stayed in and Chris cooked for his two loves! We gave Madelyn her Valentine and we were all in bed by 10! That is my kind of night!
These are some photos taken by Dawn Rockett in Tyler for a Valentine's Day Shoot!

 she just wanted to look at mommy..not the camera
 This was her first time to taste candy or anything with sugar.  You can tell by the look on her face that she doesn't know what to think!
 She was a good sport.  She wasn't feeling well this week.  She had 3 teeth come in in just a few days :(
This is my FAVORITE! 

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