The other day I was talking to a very wise woman about some things that I had been experiencing during my journey of motherhood. I was telling her about my struggle with guilt. I struggle like most moms with guilt along with many other emotions that have seem to consume me lately. I feel guilty when I am not with Madelyn every second, take a nap on Sunday afternoon, and different things like that. She told me that it is perfectly normal to feel that way and assured me that it is Satan himself putting these feelings and thoughts in my head. This got me to thinking…I don’t understand why we as women/mothers are so hard on ourselves as well as each other! I had a great friend call me the other day and she was nearly in tears because she didn’t think she was measuring up as a mom and a wife. She said, “I am struggling, I just can’t do it all like I feel I should.” I told her that EVERYONE feels that way! She said, “I don’t know how you do it. You work, have an organized and clean house, you’re a mom, you make homemade baby food, you cook dinner every night, etc.” I couldn’t help but laugh!!!! I know she was having a melt down but it was so funny to me that she had ME on a pedestal. Little did she know my house was a wreck, you couldn’t even see the top of my kitchen table and the only laundry that had been done all week was Maddie’s. After I got home that day I sent her a picture of my so called clean/organized house to show her that nobody is perfect and we all struggle!
We as friends and women need to quit putting on a front for each other! We need to be real about our struggles and feelings and lift each other up. I value my friendship with this girl so much that I feel like I can tell her what I am struggling with and it makes me feel better to hear that she is in the same boat at times. We need more friends like that…not ones that we compete with her put on a front for. I personally don’t have the time nor the energy to waste on friendships that are less than this.
I had one of my best friends come by my house on Sunday. I have not seen her in quite some time but we always pick right back up where we left off. We are both guilty of not staying in touch or getting together as often as we should but we love each other and we have always been very real towards one another.
I value my true friends and you all know who you are. I do sometimes think we all need to make more of an effort to get together more because I value all of you so much and get so much out of our time together!
I found a rock in my pocket
10 years ago